Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Puritans

As we saw in our reading of The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter, the Puritan society is very strict. They are very intolerable for anything outside of what they think. Anything ideas outside their beliefs or if you break some sort of rule would be taken very seriously. Though. I don't think there are Puritans still in this society, but characteristics of that group can still be found in the modern day.

Being a Puritan in modern times would be horrible. You won't be able to enjoy that many things as their beliefs did not allow it. Also, it'd be hard to follow every rule and not break even a small, trivial law. The children had to not act like children and act as adults. That probably goes against what a lot of parenting books are saying. There will be no games or really anything that is fun. With the temptation of electronics and whatnot, its no surprise there really aren't that many "puritans" anymore. 

Nowadays, some aspects of the strict Puritan society can still be found. For example, gangs or cartels are very strict on their rules. Leak on word out and it'd be over for you. They take these rules very seriously as it may result in a shutdown of the whole gang. Like in The Crucible when Hale said about no crack in the foundation being small. Even some teachers are strict on their classroom or homework rules. The student will get punished by receiving a bad grade.In everyday life our parents can be strict, but like the school and teachers, they aren't as harsh. 

There are some groups that are extremely intolerant. Not sure if this qualifies as modern, but Hitler was pretty intolerant himself. He created ghettos separate from everyone else to place the Jews. Along with the Jews, he didn't like gypsies or gays. Currently, we see Russia being pretty anti-gay as being LGBT can get you in pretty big trouble over there. We are all intolerant or ignorant in some ways even if its not as extreme as the Puritans were. Even in school, I still see some intolerance, whether it is through verbal slurs or actions. I know there are still some bigotry towards the African-American community or even towards the Muslim as some associate all Muslims with terrorists. The Ku Klux Klan are still a pretty big hate group operating all over the US. They support the notion that white are supreme and that blacks, along with gays, should be killed or discriminated.

Some aspects of the Puritan society are still a part of our modern day society and I don't see it going away completely any time soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Before reading your post, I hadn't even thought about how gangs could be compared to the Puritans of the past, and you provide clear evidence stating how the two are alike. Nice job.
