Friday, August 30, 2013


Hi! My name is Connor (not Conner or Conor as some people think it is spelled) Szeto. I was born on February 24, 1999 in a hospital on the south side of Chicago. I am a freshman here at Whitney Young but went to this school previously as I was part of the Academic Center. This is a big step-up from the small neighborhood school I used to attend. For this reason, I have most classes with sophomores.

School has been super important in my life ever since I started going to school back in pre-k. Though, I'm not really a sports type of guy so I probably won't be joining any sports teams at my time here. I've always had the mentality to try my best and get the best grades in school, not just because my parents told me to, but because I really try to get the best possible. The subject I like most in school is math ( and not just because I'm trying to follow the Asian stereotype). I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment when I correctly solve a problem. So far at my years here at Whitney Young, it hasn't been too terrible. I felt that the workload hasn't been too much, but I'm sure that even with the extra work, the teachers have prepared me enough.

During the time I have not doing homework and not actually in school, I would say I mostly play video games. I like games where you actually have to think and not just mindlessly shoot stuff. Though, there is one game I do enjoy that doesn't really require me to think that much and that is Minecraft. To me, Minecraft is amazing, it allows me to create these monumental buildings, statues, houses, etc.! It lets my creatively run rampant. The possibilities are endless in that game. Other than playing video games, the other time-consuming thing I do is sleeping! It gives my body some rest so it can function correctly the next day. Aside from eating and doing these activities, this is what I basically do everyday.

Yes, I am not that interesting of a person (mostly because I'm probably too busy studying), but I am willing to find new hobbies, join more clubs, and make new friends this school year!

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